A downloadable game

Nonacorn is a endless nonogram game for the GameBoy Advance. It was developed over 48 hours for the Global Game Jam 2023.

To play this game requires either a GBA emulator or a flash cartridge. 

In this game, endless random puzzles will be generated. The acorn you pick will determine the randomness. 

To complete a puzzle, the number of tiles in a column or row must match the numbers shown outside the grid in the corresponding column or row.

If there are multiple numbers in the same position e.g. "1 2 3" this means that there are 3 sets of numbers of 1 length, 2 length, and 3 length. 

So "1 2 3" would be "0 X 0 0 X 0 0 0" and "8" would be "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0"


DPADMove Cursor
APlace Tile / Select Acorn
BPlace Cross
A (Holding L)Place Marker
StartOpen Credits / Get Hint

It has been tested with VBA on windows and Everdrive GBA Mini.

Thanks to cearn for creating tonc.lib


1.10 Update (28/12/2023)

  • Small UX improvements
    • Can hold A/B to place blocks continuously
    • The cursor can loop around the grid.

1.11 Update (1/01/2024)

  • Fixed bug where holding the final block created a 'win loop'


Nonacorn 1.11.zip 46 kB

Install instructions

  1. Download the .zip file
  2. Unzip the .zip
  3. Open Nonacorn.gba on a Gameboy Advance Emulator or flash cart.

It has been tested with VBA on windows and Everdrive GBA Mini.


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Great job on making this, loved the simplistic and fun concept of infinite randomized puzzles, as well as the visual presentation! There's something quite satisfying about seeing the squares spin around after solving a puzzle c:

(also a bit late but thanks for your nice comment on my game!)